So I've been running this blog for a little while now, and while its not the first blog I've written (I've had at least 3 or 4 in the past), it is likely the one that I've put the most work into.
One thing I like about Blogger is the fact that I can check the stats. With the click of a button, I can see the number of views on posts, the time they were viewed and even the country from which they were viewed.
Unsurprisingly, the largest concentration of views come from within the United States, but I also have, much to my surprise, quite a few readers in Germany as well. This ability to get a sense for who my readers are has led me to wonder: What do you all want to know?
This is not a hypothetical question either. I genuinely want to hear from you.
In the top right corner of your screen is a little drop-down menu where, should you click on it, you can send me a message. You can also comment on the individual posts as well.
I welcome any and all correspondence, be it in the form of questions, compliments or, especially, in the form of criticism.
Tell me what you like, what you dislike, what you would like to see more of, and give me your suggestions for the type of content you would like to read. It is not hard to produce content. The challenge comes when trying to produce quality content that you, the readers, want to see.
So please, leave me a message, subscribe, and share the posts you enjoy.
Hope you're all doing well,
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