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3 Reasons That Print Media Is Right For You

In today's world, where social media dominates and the internet is king, you may question why you should put your money into print ads. In this blog post, I will be telling you why print media is still relevant.
1. Print media is a tangible deliverable.
A tangible deliverable is an item, such as a newspaper or magazine, which is both physical, and can be delivered directly into your hands. These types of media have a tendency to stick around. How many of us have a stack of magazines on a counter, or a basket full of old newspapers? Due to their longevity, print media tends to be passed around and reread, giving greater reach to its content.
2. Print media has higher levels of engagement.
People tend to pay more attention when reading print media. A survey from 2017 found that 35.19% of those surveyed spent up to 30 minutes reading print magazines, as compared to only 17.69%  who spend up to 30 minutes with digital magazines.
3. Print media establishes credibility.
One of the most important things when conducting business is that consumers trust you. Independent research company, Kantar found that printed news magazines have the highest overall trust rating, with an average of 72% of consumers from The UK, France, Brazil and the US rating them positively. Comparatively, only 33% of consumers felt that they could trust news found on social media. Perhaps most interesting is the fact that even within the same organizations, the print versions of publications were viewed as more trustworthy than their websites.
Print media is the right place to advertise because it will keep your message at the forefront the consumers' minds the longest, it will have the deepest level of impact and it will give the highest level of credibility to your brand. These are the benefits that you will receive when you place your trust in The Catholic Globe.


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