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Is Paying For Color Worth It?

When working on a plan to advertise, one of the bigger decisions you may have to make revolves around whether or not to use color.
It is, of course, possible that budget limitations may prohibit you from using color at all, or that you may have such an excess of funding that the extra cost associated with color printing is a non-issue. 
But let's say you land somewhere in the middle. You have the money, but maybe not a huge cushion in the budget. How can you justify paying the additional charge that so often comes with using color?
One of the primary advantages of color is that it makes your ad pop. On a page of black and white images and print, it is easy to simply scan over yet another grey-scale graphic. Color, even on a page surrounded by other color ads, gives your ad the chance to truly stand out.
This is not to say that black and white ads can't have a similar effect, but it is more difficult to guarantee that the ad will be noticed.
The other reason why color is so impactful is that it conveys emotion. Different colors induce different feelings in people (a topic that I will be writing about soon). Due to this, if you are looking to motivate your audience, the colors you use take on a greater importance.
So no, color is not necessary for your ads, but can mean the difference between just placing an ad, and truly getting the most out of your money.

Hope this helps,


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