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Why Do People Advertise?

Why do people advertise?

This is question that may seem a bit simple to you. People advertise in order to make more money, right? Well yes, but that's not the answer that we're looking for. The real fact is that there are countless reasons that people advertise, and I am going to break down some of the primary motives.

  • People advertise to raise awareness.
Some people advertise in order to raise awareness for something. This could be a cause, a product, a service that is being offered, or even just the fact that they exist. Advertising helps spread awareness of your message to the surrounding world.
  • People advertise in order to have control.
One benefit of advertising is that you have control over what is presented. Since you are paying for an ad, you have the right and the ability to construct whatever message you wish. Advertising is one of the few places that you are afforded this level of control, allowing you to choose the time, place, frequency and more.
  • People advertise to reach their target audience.
Most businesses have an idea of who their target market is. Advertising allows you to place ads in the places where they are most likely to be seen by people you are attempting to reach.
  • People advertise to establish their brand.
Make no mistake, everyone has a brand. It doesn't matter if you're a multi-national corporation, or an amateur league baseball coach. You. Have. A. Brand. Advertising lends credibility to that brand. People frequent certain forms of media because they value them; they trust them. If they see that your brand is good enough for their favorite website, YouTube channel or newspaper, it helps bestow a sense of legitimacy on your brand. 

These are only four basic reasons that people choose to advertise, and why you should too.

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